Origami Travel Tray™ for Kids by Jumbo Ears®
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$39.99 USD
$29.97 USD
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Product Description
We love going out and traveling but with children it can be "VERY HARD" which is the main reason we here in Jumbo Ears™ have created our new Origami Travel Tray™.
- 🛩️ KEEP CALM AND ENJOY! - Designed for compact and extreme portability. Suitable for any kind of travel whether by train, airplane, car or bus with tray table, beach, play table, restaurant and picnics!
- 🚆NO MORE MESS OR FUZZ! - SPILL PROOF keeps the mess contained! Each travel tray comes with 1 cup holder which doubles as a PHONE HOLDER. With 7 mesh pockets and 2 large side detachable pockets! Getting everything stored and safe such as pencils, markers, toys, snacks and more with ease. will not be a problem! No more crawling through the floor!
- 💺 LARGE SIDE POCKET ACTION! - Our patented unique design includes 2 side pockets. Attach to the sides of Origami Travel Tray™ or Entertainment setup!
- Clear View Entertainment Side Pocket can store a large 10.1 tablet and be hanged for portable entertainment without the need of the Travel Tray!
- Large Mesh Side Pocket - Attaches to the side of the travel tray or the bottom of the Clear View Entertainment Side Pocket. Perfect for storing toys, papers, books, food and more!
- 🍽 EASY EAT AND CLEAN! - Perfect for keeping your food in place! Spill proof material makes it easy to clean and avoid sticky mess! Our Origami Travel Tray™ is also METAL FREE!
- 📚 WORK AND PLAY! - Perfect for on the go play with cards, chess, checkers, Lego, puzzles and more. Excellent for studying and getting school work done! This is key for our Jumbo Ears™ mission.
- 💫 EASY TSA NO HOLD UP! - Because we love traveling, security TSA checks can be a pain!. Our Origami Travel Tray™ was design with NO METALS!
- 😊 EASY TO OPEN AND STORE! - Our patented design allows for fast opening and easy storage for the MOST COMPACT TRAY IN THE MARKET!!
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